3 digit viewsonic tv remote codes

Soyo tv remote 3 digit code please help i.
4 digit codes for TV sets including LCD,.
TV, LCD, Plasma, and Panel TVs Codes for GE/Jasco 4 digit universal remote controls
RC: Requesting TV Codes for Viewsonic.
3 digit viewsonic tv remote codes
Soyo tv remote 3 digit code please help i.14.01.2008 · Best Answer: I'm lazy too http://www.replacementremotes.com/tvcode… Try this PDF: http://www.jascoproducts.com/support/download-files/RemoteCode-3

Yes, that is the remote that I have. That code doesn't work unfortunately :-( I've tried searching for the code by doing the channel up, TV off, channel up, TV off
07.02.2008 · Best Answer: Try these codes they should be compatible with Soyo TV. 004 058 143 171 173 193 131
3 digit viewsonic tv remote codes
RC: Requesting TV Codes for Viewsonic.
Need 3 digit universal code for a sanyo. RC: Requesting TV Codes for Viewsonic.