fb status ideas chains

Good LMS Ideas for FB - Facebook Status
Facebook Lustige Einträge
Facebook Status
Here are more of the popular ‘like this status and’ & like my status and’ chain update games on facebook! You can use these ideas for status updates as your own
New LMS Ideas For Facebook | Facebook.
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If you want to make your facebook friends laugh and comment on your status, try using one of these funny sarcastic status updates. Just copy and paste one you want to
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Cute and short LMS ideas for Facebook status, get a storm of likes and comments after update your status with these funny and interesting lines on your Timeline.
The best Facebook status for your profile Date: [] Yes [] No You are : [] Cute >. [♥] [] Pretty:) []Handsome:b
The best Facebook status for your profile Facebook Status is the largest status site that contains hundreds of categories, no matter what kind of status you want

Status Für Facebook ‘Like This Status’ Chain Games Facebook.
fb status ideas chains
Good LMS Ideas for FB - Facebook Statusfb status ideas chains
Die Lustigsten Facebook Fails.